Iberico Ham Monte Nevado
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Cut DetailsIberico Ham Monte Nevado Cut Details Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Tag DetailsIberico Ham Monte Nevado Tag Details Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Tag Details 2Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Tag Details 2

Iberico Ham Monte Nevado

  The average weight of ham is 15 lbs. to 17 lbs.
  Made from black Iberian pigs
  Iberico ham cured for 24 months
  Diet of cereals and grans pigs
  Approximately between 25 and 35 servings
  65% harnessing depending on the cut
  Reduces bad cholesterol, regulates good cholesterol
  Rich in monounsaturated acids and oleic oil
  Food low in calories
  Manufacturer: Monte Nevado
  Produced in Carbonero el Mayor, Segovia, Spain
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Iberico Ham Monte Nevado

The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is a pure Spanish ham. It is obtained from the hind leg of the Iberian black pig this animal is a native of the Iberian Peninsula, which brought up with traditional farming methods in harmony with the environment, this Iberico Ham Monte Nevado will let you enjoy of one of the traditional and emblematic flavors of Spain, now from the U.S. With wonderful organoleptic features, is a cardio healthy food par excellence, it fits any type of diet for being a low-calorie food, with an intense and complex flavor as well as an aroma and gourmet that you will never forget.

The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is extracted from the hind leg of the Iberian pig; this animal is a native of the Iberian Peninsula that has endured through traditional farming methods in harmony with the environment. The Iberian pig is raised in grazing regime, taking advantages of all the natural resources that pasture provides. This method of exploitation favors the exercise the Iberian pig needs to strengthen and produce the exceptional infiltration of fat within its muscles, which lead to the genuine streaks that make the Iberico Jam Monte Nevado into a unique product worldwide.

The manufacturing process of the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is based on patience, it last up to 24 months and takes place in five stages or phases: the choosing and receiving of raw material, salting and washing, settling, drying and maturating and warehouse or aging. Throughout this process it is very important the Maestro Jamonero’ s role , who controls the duration of each stage taking into account the characteristics of each piece following an ancient tradition, giving the necessary care to get a quality product, unique in the market .

During the manufacturing process of the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado, the “Maestro Jamonero” applies the salt and creates the conditions and the suitable external environment for the occurrence of certain substances transformations typical of the ham (fat and proteins) by means of complex biochemical mechanisms achieving an optimal inside distribution of the salt, outside temperature, grease, moisture loss and time. The “Maestro Jamonero” is responsible for turning this ham piece into a special flavor that will remind you this experience forever.

The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is obtained from a cut of the best Iberico ham produced by this brand. With an Iberico ham leg, you can impress your family and friends with a delicious gift to the palate.

Ingredients: Pork meat, salt, seasoning (sugar, sodium citrate, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate). Gluten Free.

Manufacturer: Monte Nevado.
Source: Carbonero El Mayor, Segovia (Spain )

Note : USDA Inspected

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Conservation and cutting of the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado

The best temperature to cut and taste the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is between 18 and 24 Celsius. To remove the slices you have to support the carving knife firmly into the cut,
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Cut Photo 1
without pressing and moving with a slight swing. The slices should be thin, almost translucent, combining lean and white bacon for getting the greatest aroma and flavor. The cut of the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado should be as straight as possible. The edges should always be without scratching and yellowish bacon to avoid off-flavors.

When consumption is going to be by parts, start to cut by the top, placing the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado with the hoof down. If on the contrary, you will consume the Iberico Ham at once or if you wish a more attractive cut, clean up the ham completely, removing the outer scratching and yellowish fat.
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Details Photo 1
Start cutting the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado by the flesh placing the ham with the hoof up. If you were to stop cutting the ham and to prevent it dried out, you have to cover the cut with the slices of bacon you have stored or you can smear the surface with olive oil and cover it with a cloth. It should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from heat and bright light. When cut, the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado has several white streaks of interspersed fat. Depending on the aging degree, this ham has a bright color between pink and red purple.

Usually may appear small white dots resulting from the crystallization of an amino acid called tyrosine , this is a sign of quality and confirms the low salt content and its slow and traditional handmade healing in the warehouse,
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Cut Photo 2
being a sign of quality and excellence of this Iberico Ham Monte Nevado. The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado should be always consumed at room temperature, cold alter or makes disappear aromas and flavors. Freezing means also introducing water into the fibers of the structure of the slice, water expands in the freezing process, which results in physical changes in the same meat that makes it unrecoverable to our senses.

If you want to know more about this product, do not hesitate to contact the Master “Jamonero” Francisco Carrasco: Phone: (786) 237-9055, Email: info@ham-cheese-wine.com

Why choosing an Iberico Ham Monte Nevado?

The nutritional properties of the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado are well known, this ham has an important content in oleic acid that as well as the olive oil, it is rich in monounsaturated fats,
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Pig Photo 1
which produce a beneficial effect by lowering the total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado has features that makes it very healthy, it has a balance of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The total proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat of the Iberian pork cured products is around 70%, which makes it the most “healthy cardio “of all animal fats, even healthier that some vegetable oils.

The Iberico Ham Monte Nevado is rich in vitamin E; a powerful antioxidant and in minerals such as copper; essential for bone and cartilage, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium; the last closely linked to anti-aging processes.
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Pig Photo 2
Concerning calories, 100 grams of Iberico Ham Monte Nevado contribute less than 250 kcal (more or less as bread ) , so a moderate consumption will not be harmful to your diets( low in calories ) . It is also an excellent substitute for red meat; 100 grams of ham contain 43 grams of protein.

The ham designation has also obtained the recognition of the EU as a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) and entered in the Register maintained by that name by Regulation 2419/1999.
Iberico Ham Monte Nevado Factory Photo 1
This product has been recognized as the first Traditional Speciality Guaranteed of the Spanish food industry. This so special traditional Spanish Ham is considered a product of the highest quality food. Monte Nevado is a family company that has solid foundation and strong tradition, with experience in the sector since 1898, it maintains a tradition that inherited from father to son has grown to internationalize and it offers a range of products in several countries. In 2006, it obtained the approval of export to the United States. It has advanced facilities, adapted technology for the production of hams, and elaborates its products using conditions in a controlled environment at many points of the Spanish geography. It has the necessary approvals for export to all over the world.

Monte Nevado brand with a tradition of more than a century exporting its products to many countries, imposes the quality and work styles of its productions that has given it several awards.

Ham Cheese Wine brings one of the best options to enjoy an Iberico ham as the Iberico Ham Monte Nevado, with full warranty. Francisco Carrasco, “Maestro Jamonero, qualified from Spain and settled in Miami, Florida, United States, created this company. With his experience of more than 25 years as a professional cutter assures you choosing the best product in this delicious proposal.

If you want to know more about this product, please contact the “Maestro Jamonero Francisco Carrasco : Phone: (786) 237-9055 , Email : info@ham-cheese-wine.com

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